No toilets 

Women are forced to wear diapers.

A law was passed out lawed the use of toilets for women. Women were now forced to wear diapers.  Rest rooms for women now had diaper disoensers. The law alowed for a year transition. At the end of the transiation all females must wear and use diapers.

Jenny was not very political.  He had not really folowed the news. She had no idea that this law was about to be passed. 

She came home from her colege clases. ” hi jenn i hope you like diapers! ” her brother Jared said. “What are you talking about? ” she asked. “All women over the age of 18 have to be diapered. Women are no allowed to use toilets. ” jared said. 

“Come on! You have to be making this up! There is no way that this can be real. ” jenny remarked.

Jared called up the news report on you tube. He pressed play. “After a bill outlawing women using toilets passing both houses . it is now going to the president’s desk. He says he plannes to sign it.  The law will reqire all females to use diaper to urinate or defecate.  ” the reporter said. 

Her sister katie and julie came in. “So i guess we better used to wearing and using diapers. ” katie said. “I guess so.” jenny said.

Jenny went out and bought diapers.apearently she was not the only one who had that idea.the diapers were flying off the self. It did not feel weird to buy them sense several others were doing the same. 

She took the pakege home. She stripped out of her cloths. She took a shower. She made sure she washed herself throughly. She dried herself off with a towel. She took out the diapers.  She put the diaper on. She closed the straps. 

She put on pazamas and got into bed.she felt weird. She had peed before she put the diaper on. She would become incontinent eventually so why try to prolong the inevitable.  

She got into bed. She fell asleep. She slept peacefully. She woke up the next morning. Her diaper was wet. She took it off. Then she showered.

She went dow stairs.  “I peed my diaper last night.  ” jenny said. ” i did too. ” julie said. “It felt kinda good to wake up in a wet diaper. ” jenny said.”it did. ” julie said.

“I gues i am going to try it!” Katie said.”i cant believe your ok with this. This is a violation. How cam they make us become incontinent? ” her younger sister becky said. 

“I am fine with it. I will get so much more done if i dont have to worry about using the toilet. ” jenny said.”this is degrading. Hulimiliating. Everyone is acting like this is no big deal!” becky declared.

“I want to give it a chance. I dont see it as a problem. ” jenny said. “This is a slipeary slop. This is part of a larger plan to role back equal rights. This is only the beginning.  This is a bad idea.” becky said. 

“Look i dont see it that way. I am fine with it.” jenny said. Jenny and kelly felt the same way. Becky did not.becky was determined not to give in to the order until she absolutely had to. 

Jenny started only wearing diapers at night. She tried to ease into it. She started waking up wet whenever she wore diapers. She seemed to get more and more incontinent at least when she was diapered. She was potty traned when she did not wear diapers at least at this point. 

She woke up one day with a poopy diaper.  She was shocked by this. She asked her sisters to help clean her off.they took her to the bathtub.  They removed the diaper. They turned on the watter. She washed herself throughly.

She decided to start waring diapers during the day. She tried on various styles of diapers before she found some she liked. She found brands that she like for days and night. 

At first she found it dificult to use the diaper during the day. When she peed,she really peed. It was crazy.  She started to get use to it. Over time she did not even notice. It simply became something she did. It was a part of who she was. It was not a big deal to her.

she liked using diapers. she started to pee automstically. she was diaper dependent at this point. she knew it and she was fine with it. 

katie took a little longer for her to become diaper dependent. by the time of the manditory transistion dhr was incontinent. as was julie.

becky refused to transistion until a week before the change. she started wearing diapers. she complaned all the time. her family forbid her from complaning about it. 

she found she liked the convenience of it. it seemed to calm her down. she came to love diapers over time.

the diaper law proved sucesfull. marieges were more sucesfull. there were fewer divorces. diaper changes created more closeness. it brought families together. it was suprisingly popular.

women rights did not deminish. thry did not lode the right to vote. she stil had the same roles they did before.most things did not change. it was a sucesfull program. 

the end. 


i saw on a diaper forum the idea of women required to wear diapers. thete would be no toilets in women’s room. public bathrooms would have diaper dispensors.

i loved the idea ,well as a fetish story not in real life. the idea was not very popular on the forum. someone sugested why not make men wear diapers to stop men promiscuity. i want to explore that in a future post.